At the Cart Shed, we believe that being involved in nature has benefits for everyone.

Woodland Sites
About Us
Our vision is to provide a service without walls that can transform lives. Watch our video below to find out more.
The Cart Shed's mission is to provide tailored therapeutic support in a woodland setting to help people heal, learn new skills, find friendship and a future. We are based in beautiful woodlands on a working farm in north Herefordshire.
Devereux Wootton farm has strong environmental credentials; energy is produced by wind turbine or photovoltaic panels and the hedges, field margins, and orchards are all managed and maintained to a high standard of environmental stewardship.
Woodland Sites
We have two woodland sites, each with its own workshop, woodland kitchen and range of shelters and fire circles for gathering around.

Willow Beds
Just off the woods we have The Cart Shed willow beds where we grow our own willow for basket making and other willow crafts.

Horticulture Site
Our horticulture site has two polytunnels along with outdoor raised beds for growing a wide range of vegetables for use in our delicious onsite lunches. It also has a woodland kitchen, shelter and a fire circle for gathering around.

Why The Woods?

Activities such as woodwork, coppicing, gardening and cooking can all have an emotionally healing effect. The simple act of chopping wood and then using the pole lathe or shave-horse to craft it, or turning home-grown vegetables into a tasty soup on the open fire, all contribute towards this unique and life-enhancing experience.

The majority of The Cart Shed activities centre around coppicing which is a traditional woodland management practice where trees such as Ash and Hazel are cut at ground level and the tree’s stump or stool is left to re-grow. The multiple stems that this management system produces are used to create coppice craft items such as baskets, fencing, furniture, plant supports and smaller items such as spoons and dibbers.
What will you find at The Cart Shed?
An empowering environment enabling you to be self-directed in your recovery journey.
A non-clinical setting helping you address and overcome issues they you may be finding difficult to self-manage
A range of training and learning opportunities to support you into employment
A safe place to come on discharge from hospital as part of your care pathway
A supportive environment working with you, your GP or healthcare coordinator, giving you the support you need when you need it